You’re interested in living in a van, RV or skoolie yet don’t know where to start. You’ve landed at the right place. These are the disadvantages to living on the road. (Looking for the advantages to living on the road, click there.)
Welcome, I’m Allie. I’ve been living in an RV full time since 2020. I’m on a mission to get the answers nomads and future nomads need to live a happy life on the road.
This is one of many articles talking about the different aspects of nomadic living.
Last time I wrote about the advantages of living on the road highlighting how exciting it is to explore our world, meet new people from all over and the feeling of better mental and physical health. Others stated they loved the freedom of the lifestyle, budget friendly and much more.
In this article I’m going over the opposite – the disadvantages of living on the road or what us nomads really don’t like about this lifestyle.
What John and Allie Don’t Enjoy About Living on the Road
Sure, there are some negatives to living on the road but the pros definitely outweigh the cons. Check out what John and I, as well as others below, say they don’t like and maybe we all can help you prepare for life on the road. Or you may decide nomad life is not for you after all.
My Cons
- Small living space. I live with John in a 17′ travel trailer and frankly, we do get under each other’s skin sometimes living in about 150 square feet. This is the most apparent when it’s cold and we need to stay in. But usually we can get outside and away from each other. And we do have the FJ Cruiser so either of us can go off on our own. We find our solutions to itty bitty living.
- Constant cleaning. We live on the road and off dirt roads so needless to say there’s a lot of cleaning going on. Plus the small space seems to magnify the dust and dirt.
- Lack of variety of clothing. I’m a minimalist and hate to admit this one since I can easily thrive off even less clothes than I have now. But I’m not going to lie, I’m tired of wearing the same 4 t-shirts and shorts. It gets even worse in the winter since I have 2 long sleeve shirts I rotate.
John’s Cons
- Dumping the tanks. This is an ongoing complaint of most RV lifers. Ok, I bet everyone that has ever had to dump a black tank (where the poop is stored) literally hates this job.
- Menopause. I’m going through that change in life that can drive any woman mad as well as those that live with her. Living in a small space really doesn’t help the situation. Luckily, John and I have open communication and we generally work out when I need some help in this department.

I searched the internet for what others have stated are some drawbacks to living on the road. It seems the following are some major reasons to maybe think twice about living this lifestyle.
General Cons from Nomads
- People still consider you “homeless”. There is a stigma attached, especially, unfortunately, the more inexpensive the rig the more you may be looked down upon.
- Your RV/van/trailer/vehicle is not a financial asset. Many people purchase a home and/or land not just to live on but as assets as well. The home and land we live on (usually public lands) are not assets to us. Sure, they’re assets in fun and life fulfillment but you’re not cashing in on any equity if you sell your RV.
- You move a lot. Whether you stay on public lands or campgrounds, staying in these locations is always temporary and you’ll need to move again. John and I move on average about every 5-7 days. But usually it’s to another beautiful, exciting place!
Bo from Mountain Springs Adventure
In his video, 10 Reasons Why Living in a Car or Van Often SUCKS!, Bo stated that living in a Prius is not stress free and has found some unnerving aspects of it. First, he mentions this lifestyle is very counter-culture. He constantly faces this issue so it can be mentally and physically tiring. He also mentions hygiene can be a challenge. No shower or place to wash can make it difficult to stay clean. Be sure to watch his video linked above, he does a wonderful job explaining what he doesn’t like about living in a car.
David and Roe from Fate Unbound
Another amazing gem I found was 8 Reasons to Never Full Time RV by Fate Unbound. They mention many of the downfalls of this lifestyle that many others find yet one stuck out to me – they suggested you should not be a person with a strict schedule. This piqued my interest for sure since John and I slow travel and live, we definitely don’t keep a strict schedule. They stated that things go wrong on the road, especially weather so you need to be the type of person that doesn’t need to follow a strict schedule.
Here are more resources you can check out.
Ashly Wixks in Living in a Van Sucks! Here’s Why! says it’s like living in a fishbowl. She lives in her van and so many times people will literally watch her like she’s a fish in a fishbowl.
Is Full Time RVing The Right Lifestyle For You? by Camp Addict
The Downside To Living Full Time In An RV by RV Life
20 Drawbacks to Living in an RV Full Time by RV Inspiration
Cons of RV Living After 3 Years | Stationary and Travel Family of 6 by Cool Mom and Collected
7 Things I Hate About Living in a Skoolie by Skoolie Project
How about you? Do you want to become a nomad but these negatives stop you? Are you a nomad? What do you feel are some disadvantages to living on the road?
Thank You for Stopping By!
I’m Allie. At 48 I set out solo to live in my RV. That journey is on hold but my passions for hiking and living well in my 50s still live on! Join me below for more inspiration and adventures. We’re older but even stronger!
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Watch more details in my video below What Nomads Hate About Living On the the Road