June 2020. I had just finished section hiking the Arizona Trail and couldn’t find further locations to hit – there was a heat wave hitting the state that kept me away from much of the AZT.
But not all was lost, there are MANY places to get outside in AZ and just below the Mogollon Rim is perfect for a solo day hike!

Hiking Horton Creek Trail
My mind started to wonder. Maybe I took too much on for the day.
The tree cover was gone and temps rose at least 20 degrees F when I turned the corner. “What did I get myself into? Why didn’t I research this freaking trail before I jumped on it?“
That morning I started my 9+ mile day hike outside of Payson, AZ. It started out a peaceful tree covered trail with a trout creek, flowers and sweet birds tweeting their morning welcomes.
THIS was going to be an awesome hike!

Three miles in I stopped for a snack and to check Alltrails, the app I use for navigating trails, for the next path to follow, the Highline Trail.
Exploring a Piece of the Highline Trail
Hmmm, that name sounded familiar, I believe I’ve watched backpackers on that trail say it is difficult. Well, even if that is so the section I was doing couldn’t possibly be, other hikers rated this loop as moderate.
The Highline Trail was more difficult than I figured with mostly steeper inclines than the section I just finished, Horton Creek Trail. But the saving grace was it was still tree lined and with amazing views! Hiking up usually has its rewards in the great views!
As I turned to head down and off the Highline Trail to the Derrick Trail the terrain abruptly changed.

The Arid Derrick Trail
Gone were the tall trees and creek, they were replaced by shrubs and red, rocky dirt and sun! This was the type of trail I specifically had been avoiding all summer, especially during the heatwave AZ was experiencing at the time. It was June in Arizona and in many locations that have no tree cover the hike could be lethally hot. I digress, those hikes are in the deserts, but this section looked awfully arid!
At this point all I could do is walk down.
I’ll admit, the Manzanita trees here are pretty with their red bark and vibrant green leaves. And red dirt always fascinates me.
I donned my hat, drank some water and moved on. One thing I’ve learned in hiking is you shouldn’t complain, I mean, you can’t change the terrain, elevation, weather, etc so you might as well accept it and hike on. Hey, at least the hottest section of this day hike is downhill.
A couple of hours later I was in my car and heading back to Payson, AZ. I’ll admit, it was cool to have hiked such varying terrain in just a couple of hours.
This day is why I love hiking Arizona!
Watch my hike below:
Solo Hiking the Hiking Horton Creek Arizona
- My Hike of Horton Creek in Alltrails
- Hiking Arizona Book – Horton Creek p 170

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