What I Do Everyday as a Solo Nomad


Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Location : Darby Wells Road, Ajo, Arizona

It’s a blustery day here in southern AZ! It’s 63* F but the winter winds make it much colder. I’ve decided to shut up the RV, stay inside and let the sun warm me up through the windows.

I’d prefer to be out exploring and hiking but where I am there’s no hiking trails. As for exploring? There are signs about illegal activity in the area, needless to say I’m not exploring as a solo lady.

Side note: Yes, there is illegal activity due to the proximity to our border with Mexico. Am I worried? No. Why? One, this location came highly recommended by 3 solo nomad travelers – 2 of which were women. They felt safe here. Two, I’m surrounded by other RVers in which I said hello to 3 this morning. I feel comfortable to camp here. Always use your own judgment, of course, when choosing a place to lay your head.

Back to today …

What I Do Boondocking Solo in Minnie Rambles?

  • Hike – when I can and as much as I can
  • Blog – I love sharing my story
  • Hang out on Instagram – I’ve made a few great friends there that hike and/or RV
  • Clean house – like anyone who has a home I have chores to do like dishes, sweeping, toilet duty, etc. They just take me a fraction of the time as it would a home since it’s about 200 square feet of living space.
  • Workout and walk – I don’t hike as much as I’d like but I’ll walk and do a bit of resistance work
  • Read – right now I’m reading 1000 Miles from Land, a book I got from fellow nomads who sailed to Hawaii when they were younger. They are now in their 80s and live in a travel trailer.
  • Crochet – I used to crochet when I was younger (before kids) and thought I’d pick it back up again (after kids)
  • Listen to music and dance – I get restless so I’ll jam some tunes and boogie (I post me dancing on my Instagram @AllieRambles)
  • Watch DVDs – I usually camp too far out for any good signal to stream or get TV reception so I buy DVDs at thrift stores and watch those. Right now I’m watching Band of Brothers, a DVD set I bought for $4.50 at Goodwill.

That’s about it. I keep myself pretty busy.

One thing I’d like to work on is meeting people. Being an introvert has it’s perks, I don’t mind being solo. But it sure is nice to meet people and hear their stories!!! I’m working on my communication skills little by little. Maybe this old girl dog will learn that trick someday.

Being an RV nomad has it’s perks, I see beautiful places and I get to spend lots of time in quiet nature. But there are times I sure do miss going out for beer and pizza with my bestie, Cindy. I’m planning a visit with her this summer! I’m so excited!

Want some behind the scenes action? Daily story videos of my life on the road? Follow me on Instagram.

Last modified: July 9, 2024

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