Taking on Sedona’s Airport Trail Loop : A Hike Above All Others

Day Hiking

Thursday, April 14, 2022 Sedona, Arizona

It sure felt good to get a “real” hike on actual designated hiking trail! The last time I actually hiked a hiking trail was 2 weeks ago when I backpacked Lake Havasu with John.

Since we’ve arrived in Sedona there has been road block after road block to get on a hiking trail. First we had bad weather then we tried to get to Soldier Pass trail but got frustrated with how much it actually took to get the trailhead so we gave up.

Today was so different! We drove a short distance from camp into town, up Airport Road, parked and got to hiking.

At first the trail followed along a tall chain link fence with barbed wire that covered the perimeter of the airport. John and I weren’t digging that.

It all changed when we started to climb up to Airport Mesa View. Wow! You could see so much from up there! So much red rock in Sedona! And I didn’t realize how big the town is!

We got our obligatory photos and video for Instagram, my blog and our private pics then headed down to hike along the Brewer Trail loop.

Sedona’s Brewer Trail Loop – Big Fail for Me

I noticed Brewer Trail loop was on the side of the mountain. I was a bit leery to hike further, I’m scared of heights. And sure as hell about 100 feet in was a drop my mind couldn’t get past. I froze! With sweaty palms and weak knees I backed off to turn around.

I always feel horrible for my hiking partners when I freeze this way because I’m unable move forward but John is so patient with me. (He did the same for me when we attempted to hike Picacho Peak a few weeks back.)

Hiking Near Sedona’s Airport – Could It Really Be Great?

Turning around we headed to the Airport Trail Loop. This trail too follows along the side of a mountain, right below the Sedona Airport. (Later we got to see planes take off and land right from the trail, it was a bit exhilarating!) I’ll admit I was a little worried there would be sheer drops on this trail as well but to my delight and relief there weren’t.

The trail is very rocky but so fun! John did some “Bam Bamming” in bare feet for about a mile, he loves to do this, his feet are so tough!

We wound our way around traveling through beautiful rock gardens covered in Prickly Pear Cactus, Agave, Yucca, Ocotillo, Juniper and wild flowers! Against the red dirt the green plants are so vibrant!

Did I mention the views!? The whole hike was met with amazing views of Sedona all around. The mountains here are a feast for your eyes with layers of red and tan dirt and rock mixed with the green vegetation.

We hiked 3.5 miles under a clear blue at about 70* F with a slight cooling breeze. Hikes don’t get much better weather!!

It felt great to feel like a hiker again!

Last modified: November 5, 2023

2 Replies to “Taking on Sedona’s Airport Trail Loop : A Hike Above All Others”

  1. Lisa Sicard says:

    Hi Allie, I love Sedona. I haven’t been there in years. I hiked a little there but not on a trial. We did the pink Jeep tours there which was a lot of fun. Enjoy the rest of your time there.

    1. Allie says:

      Hey Lisa!

      It was so beautiful in Sedona but also crowded. I don’t know why I didn’t even think about that, lol. The hiking was so fun and I look forward to going back some day again.

      I had a few people tell me to do the Pink Jeep tour, it looks fun. We watched those pink jeeps go by for days out where we were camped, even got to talk to a couple of guides, they were cool.


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