Red Rock Trading Post Trail : Older Hiker Guide

older people hiking red rock trading post trail

Come enjoy this relatively flat 1.5 mile hike outside Denver. Perfect for older hikers, families with children or just about anyone that loves getting outdoors. Red Rock Park’s Trading Post Trail is a great stroll.

Welcome!  I Write for the Older Hiker

I tailor my hiking review’s to the over 50 hiker.  This is not to say the hike will be easy or short, older hikers are very capable, I’ve seen 70 year old hikers that can out hike most people.  But what I am putting out there is special considerations for our older bodies.

You might notice I have a trail difficulty rating number listed below, please see my Hiker Resource Page to see how I come to this rating.  

Basic Trail Information for Red Rock Trading Post Trail

  • Date and season of hike : August 2024 / Summer
  • Location: Red Rock Park in Morrison, Colorado
  • Length: 1.5 miles
  • Difficulty: Easy at a rating of 34 (rating system here)
  • Duration: 1 hour
  • Elevation Gain: 334 – some noticeable inclines / relatively flat with some stone steps
  • Type of Trail: loop
  • Who I Recommend this to :  any hiker
  • Gear Recommendations: No shade.  Suggest wearing hat, sunscreen, long sleeve.
  • Special Requirements:  I would probably say don’t come here during a concert, there may be no parking and a lot of noise.
Map Red Rock Trading Post Trail

My Experience on the Trading Post Trail

Hiking among red sandstone always feels other worldly to me. Maybe it’s because the color is so vibrant and contrary to its surrounding areas that it gives the sense it doesn’t belong here. Or maybe being present among such rare and ancient landscapes that North America only share with few other places in the world makes it feel uniquely special. Either way I love RED ROCK!

At 52 and an avid hiker I found this hike extremely pleasant visually and physically.

We parked and started the trail at the Upper South Lot. The trailhead is not far from the parking.

Right away you’re surrounded by red rock walls, grasses and shrubs as you enter the trail. Although you’re very close to a concert venue you don’t feel that vibe on trail, at least you don’t while there’s no concert. But I’ve hiked in urban areas and crowded areas and there’s always the vibe that you haven’t escaped it. This trail does not do that, you feel like you’re in nature.

I love that along the way the trail varies from flat to some stairs and some incline. And the views change quickly, at times your there are plants all around you and at times its massive sand stone red rock. And there are informative and historic panels to read as well.

Overall, this is a pleasant hike with little incline and decline, saving those knees!

What To Do In the Area Before or After Your Hike

We ended up heading back home after our hike here but I after publishing my YouTube video about the Trading post trail and with a little research I found these cool places to visit after your hike:

  • Trading Post – “Originally known as the Indian Concession House, the Trading Post is a great place to shop” quote from their site
  • As you see in my video definitely come early to see the sunrise. It didn’t show so much in my video but the rocks in the amphitheater change color as the sun rises.

Helpful Hiker Gear and Tools

Online Resources for this Trail

Heading to Red Rock Park?  Check out these helpful links:

Watch My Hike of the Trading Post Trail in Colorado

Thank You for Stopping By!

I’m Allie. At 48 I set out solo to live in my RV. That journey is on hold but my passions for hiking and living well in my 50s still live on! Join me below for more inspiration and adventures. We’re older but even stronger!

And as always, thank you for coming by! That’s the kindest way to support!

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