Million Dollar Highway : My Fear of Heights Was on Overdrive

rv traveler sees the million dollar highway

Hi! I’m Allie and I sold everything in 2020 to live solo in my RV full time. Traveling the United States, I camp mostly in public lands for free as I hike, bike and seek out quiet spots in nature.

June 10, 2022 Million Dollar Highway Colorado

You’re in Colorado? You have to drive the Million Dollar Highway.” I was personally told this by no less than 3 people as well as travel groups online touting the same sentiment.

I’m not gonna lie, this highway terrified me and I hope to never drive it again.

Between the old boom towns of Silverton and Ouray, Colorado on Hwy 550 is the Million Dollar Highway and it’s absolutely beautiful. Really. Words and photos can’t begin to express how stunning this part of Colorado is.

But the steep drop offs next to the road, in an RV, really made me nervous.

Now that I’ve seen it and if I ever drive it again you bet I’ll do it in the dark.

My acrophobia was on overdrive!

~Allie, June 10, 2022

I did capture some images along the way including some at Coal Bank Pass where I could take a chilly breather outside.

And I was able to score a lovely campsite outside Silverton right off a beautiful creek.

That’s all I have to say about that adventure. You’ll just have to drive it yourself to witness the true beauty that is the Million Dollar Highway. (Just be sure to check your fear of heights at sea level, lol.)

Since my photos suck (did I just admit that? lol) and I didn’t give much information about the Million Dollar Highway, here are some great resources to check out:

Thank You for Stopping By!

I’m Allie. At 48 I set out solo to live in my RV. That journey is on hold but my passions for hiking and living well in my 50s still live on! Join me below for more inspiration and adventures. We’re older but even stronger!

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