Midlife Fitness Done Right : Advice from an Older Hiker

Day Hiking, HOW TO AFTER 50

Trick to fitness in midlife is enjoying what you do

I found the secret to staying fit as you get older. It’s a simple mindset that anyone can use and you’ll find that it’s refreshingly easy to follow.

Why I Didn’t Find Fitness Until My 40s

I’m an older hiker and firmly believe staying healthy and fit in your later years is extremely important to the quality of your life

I enjoy hiking to stay fit at 52 years old.  And I hope to continue my favorite activity well into my later years.

But I wasn’t always fit or into hiking.

I didn’t take my health and fitness seriously until I hit my late 30s and even then my focus was not on myself but having a family and raising kids.  It wasn’t until after my divorce, when I was 43, did I make any attempts at really digging deep into having a stronger body.  At that time I started to read up on the fact that women begin to lose bone density in their late 30s and this scared me.  One way to combat this was having stronger muscles and building muscle mass.  So I began running and resistance work.

I hated it.  Running the same track or lifting the same weights, doing the same thing over and over, just didn’t thrill me. The repetitive nature of these types of workouts are great for some yet not for me.

Luckily, at around 45 I discovered hiking.  I’m 52 now and hiking has proven to be one of my favorite ways to stay fit and strong.

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The Best Midlife Fitness Advice

There’s no need to go into the details of why it’s important to be fit as we age, there’s plenty of resources online for that.  But I do feel there is a need to talk about doing what you love to stay fit

I tried the gym workouts, HIIT classes, stationary biking, swimming laps yet without fail about 3-6 months in I’d quit.  I did begin to run and that seemed to delight my need to go out and explore. I ran 5Ks, 10Ks, 15Ks and a half marathon.

Fortunately and unfortunately, I injured myself running a half marathon and never ran again. But I replaced it with something I enjoy even more! HIKING!

I have been hiking and backpacking now for 8 years and I crave it.  I literally get depressed when I can’t trek outdoors.

I owe my fitness to the fact that I love hiking and being outdoors; loving what you do makes a difference in whether you’ll stick with the activity or not.

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Do What You Love Rings True in Middle-Aged Fitness

I hope that you too find that being healthy physically is important to a better quality of life and that you’ve found what you enjoy.  Let know down in the comments how you get and stay fit.

How do you stay fit or want to get fit in your 40s, 50s, 60s and beyond?

Midlife Fitness on a Hike in Colorado!

Join me below as we explore our health on a beautiful hike at Staunton State Park.

Thank You for Stopping By!

I’m Allie. At 48 I set out solo to live in my RV. That journey is on hold but my passions for hiking and living well in my 50s still live on! Join me below for more inspiration and adventures. We’re older but even stronger!

And as always, thank you for coming by! That’s the kindest way to support!

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Last modified: September 8, 2024

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