How I Turned My Life Around at 52 : Being Older is Not Weaker

How I overcome obstacles as I age

It’s never too late to get out of your rut. How do I know? I’m 52, broke, technically homeless, and got dumped by a toxic man yet I’m making a comeback. This is how I’m starting to turn my life around at 52 years old.

Overcoming Obstacles at an Older Age

My life these days is “no walk in the park” (or if you’re like me that would be “a hike in the woods“).

I’ve hit peri-menopause, I feel like I’m in a midlife crisis, I made horrid mistakes in my romantic life with a man that was toxic to me, I’m broke, no job AND I’m now living with mom. I truly do feel I had hit rock bottom.

Read : Dealing with a Midlife Crisis in my 50s

After crying for 2 weeks after the breakup with my ex-boyfriend and eating too much ice cream I put my big girl panties on and set out to turn my life around at 52 years old.

I had to come to terms with the idea this could take years, which is a hard pill to swallow when you’re older, but if I can I’d like to speed up the process a bit.

Here is how I accelerated the process of turning my life around.

Phase 1 of Turning My Life Around : Hey Google

One of the first things I did was turn to the internet. At this moment you may be thinking “why the hell would you do that? It’s full of trolls and people that don’t care about you?” And you’re right. Yet I looked to the internet for information as well as some comfort.

Previously, I had started to build my YouTube channel out. Over the years I’ve had an on and off again relationship with making and publishing videos, this was the reason my channel never really grew much. But if I can make my channel work it can open doors into working remote and the lifestyle I want back – living on the road and travel.

Plus I LOVE sharing my experiences with a supportive community like YouTube and Instagram.

With a renewed sense of “can do spirit” I set out to rebuild my YouTube channel.

Phase 2 of Turning My Life Around : Lean on Friends

The second thing I did was accept an invitation to go to Colorado to hang out and hike with my amazingly supportive friend, Stephanie.

Having friends like this at any age is literally priceless. And at 52 it’s very rare.

Read : Why Friendship Changes As We Age  from Senior Planet

I couldn’t wait to see her, hike again AND recharge my life!

(This is where I am in the YouTube video below.)

Accepting help was something foreign to me. In my earlier years I always had the attitude that I could do things on my own, I didn’t need anyone. With this attitude all this got me was loneliness and distrust of others.

What I learned as I got older was sometimes you gotta let you’re guard down and trust. Just coming out of a bad relationship it was difficult to trust yet Steph had proven to me she is someone I could rely on.

Further Steps to Turning Your Life Around?

This has not been an easy journey and I’m still in the middle of working my way up.

If you’re finding yourself stuck in life at 40, 50, 60 or beyond, I feel there are a few key things to remember and do :

Look at the obstacle as a way to become stronger on the other end.

Just think, when you come out the other end of this issue you’re having you WILL be a stronger person.

Don’t give up.

Yes, this is cliché but it’s true. The harder you work for something the more proud you’ll be of yourself. Would you rather sit in your misery or live a life well lived?

Imagine yourself at the other end of all this crap you’re going through.

This is what I’ve been doing lately. I’m picturing myself hiking in the woods, preferably with a good man at my side but not absolutely necessary. Or I’m on a plane headed to some country in Europe to enjoy eating great food and a long trail backpacking trip. Pinterest or vision boards help with this.

Accept and/or ask for help.

I NEVER did this in my past. I always had the attitude that I could do this alone. Or I simply didn’t trust anyone else to have my best interest. But the good ones do. I’m thankful I could turn to my mom and my friend Steph. Because if I didn’t I may still be stuck in worrying what to do next or worse.

>>>>Stay tuned for more phases in my comeback story.

The Best Way to Turn Your Life Around (Even if You’re Older)

Thank You for Stopping By!

I’m Allie. At 48 I set out solo to live in my RV. That journey is on hold but my passions for hiking and living well in my 50s still live on! Join me below for more inspiration and adventures. We’re older but even stronger!

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