I Changed My Mind, I Do Love You

Nomadic Life

Sunday, March 6 to Monday, March 7, 2022

Pump Station Road Dispersed Camping

I found in my 50 years there’s these rare opportunities that you get to find a friend that lights your soul on fire. I found this in Hunter. Be sure to read about her and her sweet doggie, Artemis, in my last post.

Monday was a busy day!

It was one of those rare times where I pushed my limits and Minnie’s too. We had no fresh water, little propane, no fresh food, not much gas in the tank and needed to empty my black and gray tanks. It’s not like me to wait to run so many errands in one day. But I had to, so off we went to numerous places in and around Tucson, AZ to get shit done before settling in to Pump Station Road Dispersed.

Going Back to a Place That Warms My Soul – Pump Station Road Dispersed

Being on the road now since July 2020 I have developed some favorite places to stay. Pump Station Road Dispersed has become one of my go-to locations and a favorite boondocking place.

But it wasn’t always the case, I didn’t like this location the first few times I parked here.

I was here back in January 2021 with my hiking friend Stephanie for some hiking in the area yet we had to drive to leave camp to get to the hiking trails. When I first started out on the road my goal was to camp in places I could also hike nearby; by nearby I mean walk or bike ride to the trailhead. I have since found this is extremely difficult to find. Sure, most places I boondock like National Forests and BLM have some hiking nearby yet most don’t.

Pump Station Road Dispersed is one such place – there really are no hiking trails close enough to walk to. But it has everything else a boondocker may want – easy to access, quiet, open space, level spots, plants, wildlife and a great 5G signal. Plus it feels pretty safe here, as I walk and run the roads I find most people will greet me.

Needless to say, I’ve grown to love this place!! So much I’ve decided to camp here for at least 5 days and take in the quiet. (And get some much needed work done on my blog.)

Enjoying a Quiet, Simple Day at Pump Station

I cruised in pretty tired yesterday after getting quite a few errands done. I immediately set up camp with my outdoor rug, chair, bike and connected my solar panel. I rarely do all of this since my plan is to only stay 1-2 nights then move on. This time is different, I’m staying longer.

The night was quiet and I was very sleepy after this past weekend of late night talks with Hunter that I don’t remember falling asleep. I slept in to 6:30 AM!! This is rare, I’ve been waking up sometime between 4-5 AM, once because a coyote was near camp and I had to record it’s early morning wake up call.

Since I was well rested I actually had a little excess energy. I had recently started running again after a 6 year hiatus and I’m happy to report this morning’s run went really smooth. There’s no lack of space to run here, with quite a few roads in the area, including the main one. And I got a glimpse of Picacho Peak where I hiked with Stephanie about a year ago. (Goes to my IG post.)

This place has some pretty fond memories attached now that I’ve fallen in love with it.

Yet my road life is not all pretty views and simple coffee mornings. I’ve been catching up on writing posts for my blog, publishing to Instagram and Pinterest. I love my work, I just wish it paid better, lol.

If you want to know what I’ve published lately check out:

Hiking in Casa Grande AZ then Sleeping Under Picacho Peak on my blog here
My January recap – a reel on Instagram
My February recap – a reel on Instagram

As always thanks for reading, I appreciate every eyeball on my site.

Last modified: November 5, 2023

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