“Whatever we face, we have a choice: Will we be blocked by obstacles, or will we advance through them?”
Ryan Holiday from Obstacle is the Way
Back in July I was homeless and broke. I had a very small savings that I used to purchase a 2011 Ford Ranger that I could live in.
You see, I was a nomad for 3 years living in my Class C RV previous to my crash. In early 2023 I put faith into a person I actually knew I shouldn’t have and lost it all. I wasn’t about to crawl home to mom at 51 years old, no, I needed to do this by myself and for myself.

I Was Broke But Not Broken
But that’s not the end of my story…
Although I truly didn’t want to, I lived in my truck for over a month until, frankly, I got tired of it all, especially the flies!
Life living in a small truck is not easy but at least I had the previous experience of living on the road. I knew where to stay, where to find Wi-Fi for free so I could find work and how to stay safe in the woods. It was quite the eye opening experience.
Living in my truck wasn’t all bad, I was staying in the beautiful forests outside Flagstaff, Arizona where mornings are fresh and sunsets are stunning! I still had my freedom to move about if I wanted, just like I did with my RV the 3 years previous. I hiked, rode my bike and enjoyed the calm under the trees.

Ok, it sucked. I had no money to think about anything wonderful. First lesson learned – money can bring some happiness, the kind you get from not being stressed all the time.
So I found a job in town and rented a room, the cheapest room I could find.
I Was Again Part of the “Rat Race”
Fast forward to 3 months in and I’m feeling pretty good again. It took some getting used to living with people again, commuting and being on a schedule at work but I’m doing it.
I have a goal, to be nomadic again.
The road calls me every day I don’t work, even days I do. I live close to an Interstate and boy, there are days I want to just jump on it and head east.
The cravings for life away from towns and cities is very real for me.
For the last month I’ve been reading a very appropriate book for my life right now, Obstacle is the Way. It’s a book written from the perspective of the philosophy of Stoicism.

I could have given up. Right at that moment when I lost it all I could have pouted and cried (ok, I did for about 2 weeks then , as mom would say “got my head out of my ass”). What would that actually accomplish except to dig a deeper hole of self-pitied emotions as well as truly no money in my bank account.
That’s when I remembered Ryan’s book.
The OBSTACLE is the WAY.

The OBSTACLE is the WAY?
At first I found this concept odd, how could an obstacle, a roadblock or something in the way actually be the route? The very definition of obstacle is a thing that blocks one’s way or prevents or hinders progress.
Truth is if you’re paying attention that obstacle will make you stronger.
It never occurred to me that becoming stronger involved failure and obstacles beyond my control. Basically, how you react is the key.
Did I give up or push through?
Years ago, and I wish I could give credit to the person that created this saying, I heard someone say “plot twist” when shit went wrong in their life. Ever since then that is how I choose to see obstacles, as plot twists in my own story. I mean, who doesn’t love a good plot twist in a movie?
Ryan goes on to write “Within those obstacles was an opportunity. They seized it. They did something special because of it. We can learn from them.” Them being ‘those who came before you…Bastards, immigrants, nouveaux riches, sticklers, believers, and dreamers.”
If people before us simply gave up when obstacles blocked their way we wouldn’t have the advancements we have now. Heck, many of us wouldn’t even exist. (But let’s not go that deep.)
People before us, and now, punched through obstacles to be better at their craft or better people. I thought to myself, “I want that. I want to get past this horrible time in my life to a better stage, a more free stage. A stage where I’m stronger and can take on any obstacle.”
I had an obstacle – I lost it all.
I’ve never been in this position. NEVER.
Never been broke. Never been homeless. Never heartbroken.
This was new territory for me at 51 years old!
To be continued in the next post…
My related YouTube video
Grab Ryan Holiday’s book in Amazon : Obstacle is the Way
Thank You for Stopping By!
I’m Allie. At 48 I set out solo to live in my RV. That journey is on hold but my passions for hiking and living well in my 50s still live on! Join me below for more inspiration and adventures. We’re older but even stronger!
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