How Social Media Lifted Me Up : A Story of Inspiration

How social media saved me from depression

Social media doesn’t suck and I’m here to prove it. (Warning : this post is not hiking related but life isn’t all about hiking – OR IS IT?)

My Struggle Before the Inspiration

In the last few months I’ve been struggling after a horrid breakup from a toxic ex-boyfriend, trying to rebuild my financial freedom back and all during massive hormonal fluctuations during perimenopause that cause me to suddenly drop into depression and anxiety.

My favorite pastime and way to release my emotions, hiking, has all been taken away during this time since I’ve been in the Arizona desert for the last few month with record high temps this year in the western states (I’m sorta near Las Vegas).

It’s been a pretty shitty time for me.

Having to spend more time inside I reluctantly turned to the internet and social media for answers and hopefully comfort.

I Found My Inspiration on Social Media

There are many out there that put social media down for being too addictive, waste of time, or it’s superficial. These are all valid points and I too find myself thinking these same things from time to time. But then I stop myself and realize that it’s not that at all when you don’t want it to be.

I feel you attract what you put out there. If you’re only scrolling to find the latest dopamine rush then, yes, you’ll find a lot of people posting to simply get likes and views, this can truly feel superficial.

But have you ever stopped to look at a beautiful photo or video that someone carefully curated to leave a comment simply saying “Wow! Great shot!” Or watched an inspirational video of someone trying their best to make a difference in the world and then share it on your own feed? These people are out there and they can be part of your community.

Sure, “community” on social media is quite different than the one you may build in your neighborhood or town but these are real people in a real world that are posting to feel welcome or liked.

These are the people I search for AND have found.

They’ve inspired and supported me and I’ve watched them do the same for others. We’ve created community online and it feels great!

You might be thinking this is all dandy but what about hugs and in person coffee hang outs? Yes, those are lacking. But I’m going to tell ya, two of my favorite people and great friends I met on Instagram. And both women have been my rocks when I’m at my worst.

Social media can be a place to gather and feel good about making friends with the people that have the most in common with. They are out there, you just need to find them, comment and be kind. It may take some time but you’ll see results before you know it.

My Social Media and Who Inspires Me

Here are my social media profiles if you want to come on by to follow or see who I follow so you can too.

Allie Rambles Intagram

AR YouTube

And I’m also listing my favorite inspirational people that I may not know personally online yet they still help me get through tough times when all I do is watch and smile at their beautiful lives.

Eva zu Beck YouTube – Adventure seeker and beautiful soul (and she’s got a cool dog too!)

Regretlyss YouTube – Finding yourself and the peace from within (cool dog too!)

Amanda from TidelinetoAlpine – Vanlifer, cool dog (I see a pattern here) and outdoor adventures. Amanda is such a calming force for me when I truly need it.

The Nomadic Movement – I’ve watched them for years when they started in a Skoolie traveling full time. They are now building their own homestead, have a farm and a little girl. (Ok, and a cool dog too – Lola)

Seek Discomfort – “Life’s greatest moments and deepest connections exist outside your comfort zone” (and surprisingly, I still watch even though they have no dogs, lol)

I hope you find these YouTubers inspirational too! Leave a comment below if you have an inspirational YouTube channel you’d like to share or know of one. I’m always looking for new peeps.

From Me to You – Love ya!

And finally some inspiration for you from me. I posted this on my IG short and I truly mean this no matter where you are showing me support.

How Social Media Lifted Me Up : A Story of Inspiration


Thank You for Stopping By!

I’m Allie. At 48 I set out solo to live in my RV. That journey is on hold but my passions for hiking and living well in my 50s still live on! Join me below for more inspiration and adventures. We’re older but even stronger!

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2 Replies to “How Social Media Lifted Me Up : A Story of Inspiration”

  1. Webtoniq says:

    “This is so inspiring! It’s amazing how social media can bring positivity and connect us with people who uplift and motivate us. Thank you for sharing your journey—it’s a great reminder of the good that can come from these platforms!”

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