Finding the Almost Perfect Boondocking

Nomadic Life

March 22, 2022 Tuesday Pipeline Road Dispersed Camping, Arizona

In my last post I was sitting at Cracker Barrel in Marana, Arizona totally expecting to meet up with my friend Hunter the next day. I’m sad to report, that didn’t happen.

Trying to Camp with My Friend Hunter

You see, it rained yesterday, dirt roads can get impassible for RVs after a rain, and this is exactly what happened to me when I tried to meet Hunter in Catalina, AZ.

She had been staying in public lands in that area for a while and we arranged for me to meet her there when I was ready to move. I tried to meet her yet the dirt road she was camping on was slippery AND my RV started to sink – not a good situation for something that weighs 12,000 lbs. and costs 1000’s to tow out of sticky situations.

Unfortunately, I had to leave the area and headed back to a region I knew I’d have no problem boondocking – Marana. This was about 45 minutes away.

New Camp Location in Arizona

If you’ve been keeping up, I stayed at Pump Station Road for a couple of weeks and really enjoyed myself there! I ran, hiked a wash, road my bike and met up with friends! Yet I didn’t need to go back there, I could try another location in the area. This is when I decided to head to Pipeline Road Dispersed (fancy names for such beautiful places, lol), which feels like the more secluded sister area of Pump Station.

This public camping area is in the same wilderness as Pump Station so it looks virtually the same – serene, beautiful Saguaros, Palo Verdes, Creosotes.

I’m digging this place! It’s quiet, less people and roads to ride my bike! (Which I did this morning!) The only caveat so far is my RV can’t go back very far from the main road.

There is a quarry nearby and its trucks start at 5 AM running up and down the road, to and from the quarry. I guess the perfect spot will never exist but this one is damn close!

I slept hard last night. It was very still, almost eerily still, but I’m not complaining, made for some perfect sleeping – until the 5 AM truck wake up.

Yoga and a Bike Ride

This morning I decided to get a good stretching session in (which I shared on IG if you’re curious) my pajamas, why not. I found that I don’t stretch enough and my body misses it, I feel so relaxed after.

The day also called for a good bike ride!! I noticed the main road travels pretty far back with some side roads to explore as well. Off I went.

I ride for the pleasure of it, to get my heart pumping and to explore. I have a hand-me-down older mountain bike but it does the job just fine on these dirt roads. I enjoyed the sunny morning and got some great photos of the Saguaros in the area, each one seems to have it’s own personality.

Last modified: November 5, 2023

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