Escaping a Bad Situation in Flagstaff, Arizona

Surprising reason Why I Left Flagstaff Arizona. Not money reasons

A few weeks ago I published a post here called How Stoicism Saved My Life and I haven’t had a chance to follow up with part 2.

This is not because I am lazy or busy, but because I’ve had some troubles with living in Flagstaff, Arizona. Well, it wasn’t necessarily the city of Flagstaff that I had problems with but my now former landlord. I explain it all in my latest installment over on YouTube called Escaping a Scary Situation When I Thought I Was Safe.

I left Flagstaff and I honestly didn’t want to. I was just getting into my groove of living, working and playing in such a cool city.

I was getting to know street names without needing a map. I was making friends and finding out where the locals like to hangout.

Flagstaff was really starting to grow on me. I was even excited to experience snow soon! I had never lived in a place that snowed!

Anyway, I got a few comments on the video below that I took the situation with ease (I’m paraphrasing of course). That was a HUGE compliment for me because anyone that knows me well and throughout my life knows I’ve had anger issues. I wasn’t necessarily violent but I was loud and relentless.

Yet when I had the encounter with my landlord I was unusually calm, except for one moment where I felt she pushed my too far. I credit years of self-care, some therapy, a changing of my mindset and stoicism.

I wouldn’t be able to bounce back as well as I am if I didn’t study stoicism recently.

Some would say Stoicism is cold and unfeeling, and it can come across that way. But truly it’s not letting your emotions get the better of you. That is where I clearly needed work (if you knew me 20 years ago).

I’m going to continue to work on myself, even into my 50s, 60s and beyond if I make it that far. There’s a certain self pleasure in realizing that you’re becoming who you’ve always wanted to be. And I’ll continue to share whatever I find with others because along with a more calm demeanor I’ve been able to actually like myself. I guess you would call it “self acceptance“.

I Have 1000 Subs Now!

With the video above I finally made it to over 1000 YouTube subscribers! This means I can monetize my channel and, frankly, I feel more legit as a creator now.

I’m working all the time on learning how to make better videos for my viewers so thank you if you are a supporter subscriber, I appreciate you watching as I go through my growing pains. 🙂

Thank You for Stopping By!

I’m Allie. At 48 I set out solo to live in my RV. That journey is on hold but my passions for hiking and living well in my 50s still live on! Join me below for more inspiration and adventures. We’re older but even stronger!

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