Errands Day in Tucson : REI, Whataburger and Laundry

Nomadic Life

March 24, 2022 – Tucson, AZ

Awesome F*cking Errands Day in Town w/ Hunter and Artemis Dog

It took a few days and a few tries but Hunter and I finally met up again, this time she came to me at Pipeline Road Dispersed Camp. I felt bad that I couldn’t come to her yet with impassable roads for my RV she had to come to me in her Jeep.

It sure was nice to have see her again! We have such great conversations and we also laugh a lot – after this trip I’m starting to feel she may qualify as a kindred spirit for me, we just click.

Into Tucson We Go

Hunter and I planned to backpack together soon, though we still hadn’t come up with a location. We also still needed to outfit her for the trip.

When she came by she mentioned she still needed to hit REI for gear and asked if I wanted to go. As my partner, John, would say, “Does Howdy Doody have a wooden pecker?” LOL. The answer was “DUH! REI? Of course I’ll go! It’s hiker Disneyland!

Once I park my RV at a campsite I’m pretty much stuck, I have no other transportation except my bicycle and feet. So when I get the chance to go into town in a car with a friend I jump at that chance – especially if it’s to head to REI!!!

Beside REI, Hunter and I had other errands to run while in town like laundry and a carwash. But first…

We headed, of course, to Dutch Bros for liquid energy. Even Artie the dog got a puppaccino!!

After that we headed to the carwash – it’s been years since I’ve been in a carwash! RVs don’t fit 😂.

Then I did a load of laundry!

Lunch was next. We chose Whataburger and I happened to be a Whataburger virgin. Apparently, Hunter was really hungry cuz she took a bite of my burger before hers (by accident 😂). It’s cool cuz I couldn’t finish the yummy burger anyway!

We saved the best for last – REI. Hunter needed some backpacking gear for the trip we had been planning. And I needed socks – Darn Toughs, of course!

Our day ended with a fabulous campfire under a clear, starry night back at camp.

It was a good day of exploring Tucson, getting tasks done and sharing great camaraderie.

The next few days I hung out at Pipeline Road Dispersed working on my blog, running, biking and enjoying the silent, breezy days.

Thank you, Hunter, for a great day!

Last modified: November 5, 2023

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