Doggie Play Dates and Meeting an Instagram Friend IRL

Nomadic Life

Thursday, March 10 to Friday, March 11, 2022 Pump Station Road BLM Arizona

Hunter and Artemis are Back to Boondock with Me!

I guess I just didn’t get enough of Artemis and her hooman, Hunter, the last time I saw them since I invited them to come stay with me at Pump Station Road outside Marana, AZ as I boondocked there for about a week.

We just couldn’t help ourselves and, like last time, had more long, deep convos into each night. I think we both needed that.

Hunter had listed her cartop tent for sale and was to meet someone nearby to show it. I eagerly tagged along. Ok, the jig is up, there’s a grocery store near the meetup place that I could get ice cream. But it’s always fun to head into town for some good ole people watching and change of scenery. She ended up selling the tent to a sweet couple with kids. They’re gonna have a lot of fun!

Later that night after dinner we both enjoyed our ice cream with, you guessed it, great conversation.

As if great convo and ice cream wasn’t enough, the next day we met up for a doggie playdate with Banjo and his hooman, Sara.

Meeting the Dirtbag Darling and Her Pup, Banjo

I’ve been following Sara and her van adventures on Instagram for a while now. One evening, while parked at Pump Station Road, I noticed she posted an Instagram story featuring mountains in the distance that I recognized as the same mountains I was viewing at the moment. Not wanting to look like a stalker I hesitated on reaching out. It can get a little creepy when someone you’ve never met messages you “I know where you are“.

I cautiously thought about what to say to her as to not come across as a stalker. I replied to her story, “It’s dark so it’s hard to tell the mountain range but that looks like where I am.” Then I named the location. I wanted to try to prove I was there at the moment by saying it was dark, or is that creepy? Hmm. Either way she responded! “That’s totally where I am”. Yay! I didn’t freak her out. From there we started making plans to meet once her work schedule cleared a bit.

The timing was perfect once Sara could meet up since Hunter and Artemis the dog had arrived as well! It was going to be a doggie playdate! (Be still my heart, I love dogs!)

I love when dogs meet, it’s like they’re old buddies romping and running. I wish humans could behave that way, but that would be weird, right?

Being the introvert that I am, there wasn’t much convo coming out of my mouth. I absorbed the energy of the dogs and the smiles across our faces. I’m cool just hanging and listening.

As the sun sank below that mountain range that brought us together, it was getting chilly and our bellies were grumbling, we said our goodbyes.

Most of my time living full time in my RV has been solo (and with a boyfriend for a short stint), I really never met up with fellow full time nomad ladies. I can’t begin to express how enjoyable it is to have this comradery! I enjoy my solo time, as do many solos out here, but I also need that human interaction.

The women I am meeting are amazing, intriguing and down to earth – my kinda peeps.

Thank you Hunter, Sara, Artemis and Banjo for a wonderful time!

If you’re on Instagram give these cool ladies a follow and Banjo too!

Hunter @hunterinthewilde

Sara @thedarlingdirtbag

Banjo @banjothevanpup

Last modified: November 5, 2023

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