Looking for Arizona Trail details? I’m hiking this amazing trail mile by mile.
My AZT Background Story
The Arizona Trail, aka AZT, covers 800 miles from the Mexican Border to Utah. It winds through forests, deserts, rivers and summits. Each year thousands of people thru-hike, backpack, bikepack, day hike, horse ride and walk this beautiful trail.
In March 2020, along with my 2 hiking buddies, Janice and David, I started a thru-hike attempt of the AZT. Heading Northbound (NOBO) we finished 76 miles then jumped off trail due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
Since that time I made a vow to myself to finish hiking the rest of the trail – MILE by MILE.
Click here for more info about the AZT
My Video Hikes of the AZT
Please note :
All miles represent Northbound (NOBO) mileage, starting from the Mexican border to the Utah Border. Listed in numerical order, not by date done. And I’m jumping around the trail so there will be gaps until I’m done. 🙂
Miles 0-8 Mexican Border to Bathtub Springs (March 2020)
Miles 9-20 Bathtub Springs to Mile Cross Jeep Road (March 2020)
Miles 21-34 Mile Cross Jeep Road to Canelo Pass Road (March 2020)
Miles 35-45 Canelo Pass Road to Redrock Ranch Road (March 2020)
Miles 46-76 Redrock Ranch Road to Kentucky Camp (March 2020)
Miles 512-526 Dave’s Tank to Gooseberry Springs Trailhead (started at Gooseberry to hike SOBO) (June 2020)
Miles 526-548 Gooseberry Springs Trailhead to Horse Mesa Trailhead (May 2020)
Miles 548-558 Horse Mesa Trailhead to Marshall Lake (May 2020)
Miles 577-593 I-40 Flagstaff to Flagstaff Urban Trail (June 2020)
Miles 661-664 Random Miles near Grandview Tower & Wildlife Tank (July 2020)
Miles 664-673 Near Grandview Tower to Forest Road 303 (June 2020)
Miles 673-679 Random Dirt Road to Forest Road 303 (July 2020)
Miles 679-684 Random Dirt Road to Grand Canyon Border (July 2020)
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